Wednesday, September 29, 2010

water threesome

-how a water molecule forms, boils, and evaporates:

and then the cycle starts all over again.

Monday, September 13, 2010


fox takes raindoe to the stripclub...

(click for fullsize)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

the call, dundun dun

this may or may not have happened in reality,
either way, it's real in my brain

unidentified girl: "boy im scared"
unifuncorn: "ghe metoo"
annoying leapy llama : "can we call yet can we call !! :D :D"

leapy accidentally steps on phone dialing std clinic: "whoops what'd i just step on guys"
girl: "leapy's right, we should just call"

man that thinks he rules world: "ello"
girl: "hi mister im just calling about my test results :B"

man: "letssee here.... your syphilis..."

paranoid girl: "nooooooooo"
reaches in garbage for DEAD101 magazine: "guess ill be needing you afterall"

man: "..and gonnorhea all came back negative"
girl: "ohhh ok phew"
unifuncorn: "we can comeout now"

man: "have a good day"
girl: "lalala back to reality :B"

I should probably start drawing these beyond the initial quick sketch stage
but the badness just adds to the dumbness and makes me laugh more