Sunday, March 28, 2010

can can write right left

I drew these sketches quickly with my left-hand today and I'm dominantly right-handed. Def not professional and I was amazed by the struggle

My right hand wanted soo badly to just take the pen and draw what I really saw
It made me realize that art isn't about mastering being an artist..
it's about mastering your body..

hand-eye coordination

and it led me to think about mastering anything..

what's underneath the mastery is the mind-body connection
I notice this connection between learning info from a broad range of topics, whether it be sports, fine art, science, math, religion, etc. There's a common thread weaved through them all.

I can't pinpoint exactly what it is, but it's there.

Writing like this [I also had been writing with my left hand]
is helping to slow down my thoughts
My arm hurts from using such strange muscles.

it looks like the writing of a little child.

This makes me ponder habits.
It hurts to try a new one because it's so different from what we're used to so we often resort to the same old routines quickly thereafter because of sheer laziness. Thinking it's easier..

But if our underlying goal is strongly linked to the long-term outcome, then our chances of sticking with it are far more greater.

I fell away from the thrill of drawing a while ago when it became stagnant. (Not realizing at the time it was myself that had become stagnant)
I could draw well and it bothered me at the point when I felt I wasted all this effort into drawing something so perfectly.. when I could easily just take a picture of it instead.
The personal achievement was gone. I became fixated on outcome rather than process.

It's the steps that matter most, not the view from the top of the ladder.

*How you got to where you are is just as important as where you are, and where you are headed.

You can have all the prestige in the world, but what does it matter unless you have the past experiences to back it up.
Every subject in school has history of where it came from. All subjects integrate into eachother to some degree.

You can master anything when you master yourself.

Know your weaknesses.
Know your strengths.

Don't get caught up in the petty nuances of everyday life.

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